Monday, June 22, 2009

lectio divina: hebrews 13:1-3

continue loving everyone you know
as brothers and sisters
and as for strangers,
they, too, are family
show them kindness
and treat them well
in doing this
you just may find yourself
entertaining angels
and holding sacred space
for a divine encounter
remember those who are suffering
put yourself in their place
recognizing in their faces
something of your own

Monday, June 8, 2009

on the wings of the morning

"...where can i go from your spirit
or where can i flee from your presence
if i ascend to heaven, you are there;
if i make my bed in sheol, you are there
if i take the wings of the morning and
settle at the farthest limits of the sea,
even there your hand shall lead me
and your right hand shall hold me fast..."

psalm 139:7-10

Thursday, June 4, 2009

via negativa

recently, i have been thinking a lot about what is known in art as "negative space" and the way it can become transformed simply by shifting one's focus. we go from being able to see only the obvious to seeing objects or patterns emerge that previously had been hidden to us. life is like that sometimes...we can and do learn a great deal from what is being said. however, we often learn more when we listen for and pay attention to the "negative space" and hear what is not being said. i'm reminded of a line from my favorite prayer by george appleton that says: " me the hidden things..." to be shown the hidden things is to be given a unique gift - namely - the opportunity for our lives (and the lives of others) to be transformed in ways previously thought impossible. a "negative space" can thus become a creative womb of sorts, giving rise to new ways of being, healing and wholeness.