Monday, August 29, 2011

different points of view


Rose - Watching Waves said...

Such vibrant images. A nice reminder to consider other POVs.

Kel said...

i feel very warm when looking at these pictures
which is nice for the winters day here

Doe Grozs Art said...

it's the last image that my body reacted to... mmm. I've been playing around with color relationship in matting work. It's amazing how things change with one simple change... perspective. The communication has been pretty humorous lately too.. POV :-)

Stacy Wills said...

rose, the idea for showing the different views of the same image came from the practice of turning a mandala every-which-way after it's completed to see which way it wants to be oriented.
kel, it's interesting you said you feel very warm when looking at these, as the source image came from a photograph i took of prism-ic "rainbows" that form on the wall each morning when sunlight bounces off a beveled mirror. when i played with that image in my paint program i wondered what would happen if i rendered it in sepia tones rather than color.
doreen, my strongest resonance comes with the first view.

Laura said...

sometimes the subtlest shift can change everything.

Junelle Jacobsen said...

Really beautiful play of light and shape ~ the simple color is warm and comforting(?).

I am in the Monk/Artist group with you~

Stacy Wills said...

laura - indeed!

junelle - thank you so much for stoppping by! i'm so excited about the class. :-)