one of the things i love about doing commissioned pieces is that they stretch me, and i learn so much through the process. as preparation for drawing the design, i did some research into the history and meaning of the mantra, and found that it is most often associated with the bodhisattva of compassion. therefore, as i worked on this piece, my focus became compassion - particularly as it pertains to alleviating the suffering of others. i thought of all the times i had been on the receiving end of compassion...mercy...lovingkindness and how much i desired to be on the giving end of extending compassion to others. then each line drawn, each brushstroke painted, each embellishment added, became a prayer.
What a beautiful piece! I find your choice of colors interesting too. Were you influenced by Autumn? How big is this? Very beautiful!
thank you, lotus! it is 18" x 18" framed. after my initial research, i knew i wanted the flower to be in the pink family.
and such a magnificent prayer this is...so beautiful Stacy!
thank you, laura!
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